June 26, 2009
We are now on twitter! Follow plankton stuff at http://twitter.com/planktonband!
June 18, 2009
Hey! We made the local paper again! Plus, I (Tina) work at City Tavern, so it's kind of a double bonus. Where it says "Sushi Bar" there in the ad - that's me!
May 22, 2009
We now have videos available for your viewing pleasure! Check out our YouTube Channel for fun and amusement!
January, 04, 2009
We're working on the recording of another album! Wee-hee! Tonight Tony (The Splanchnic Ganglion) finished a second song on drums! Stay tuned for leaked mp3s, studio photos, and more than you probably need to know!
January, 04, 2009
Rock out! We are now available through CDBaby.com! Check this out!July 19, 2007
We just had some GREAT pics taken at our Cheers Lounge show! Pennie Spence of IKON i.m.a.g.e.s does excellent work. Take a look by going HERE.
February 21, 2007
We have been selected to be broadcast on BandRadio Live! The station is running 24hrs and you can listen at http://bandradiolive.com:8000/listen.pls (for Winamp) http://bandradiolive.com:8000 (Windows Media player). Open the player and select File>Open Url and then paste the url above in. For song history and requests go to http://bandradiolive.com.
January 28, 2009
We just rocked the Elbo Room in Chicago again and have been asked to do a Thursday evening in March, so, wow! Cool! We'll be seeing more of you in Chicago, I guess! YAY!!